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Open Space Commission Minutes 05/12/2017

Minutes of May 12, 2017

In Attendance: Diana Atwood Johnson, Peter Cable, Amanda Blair, Gary Gregory, Bruce Baratz, Mary Stone, George James. Land Steward Jamie Bastian.
Guests: Peter and Millie Caron

A. Application of Carons to waive open space requirement on their sub-division as proposed to the Planning Commission. Carons wrote a letter to the OSC outlining their reasons for this application, the fact that the Planning Commission had approved their application the previous night. They explained that they had removed huge amounts of debris from the property and were very environmentally conscious. The lot will be going to their daughter, and gives them the opportunity to sub-divide without complying with state statutes, as it is sub-division for family purposes. The OSC recommended that they seriously consider placing a conservation easement on the land within the review area, so that this land adjacent to the Three Mile River be permanently protected after their ownership terminates. The Commission appreciates the Carons proposal to contribute to the operations of the Commission.

B. Land Steward: Jamie Bastian continues to work on new technology that identifies the specific tree location of trail crossing problems, along with pictures embedded in the Map. He will be meeting with Skip Beebe regarding bridge issues, beavers, etc. He's been removing autumn olive on Ames.

C. Approval of minutes of April 13, 1217 with the amendment that Evan Griswold was in attendance.

D. New Business:
1.      Land Acquisition Fund: Peter Cable made a motion: The Open Space Commission endorses offering the opportunity to receive a $1,000,000 to all Old Lyme banks to insure the Town and the funds get the best rate possible. In addition, the Old Lyme Open Space Commission stands by the Land Acquisition Ordinance that may prevent the co-mingling of funds. OLOSC wants a determination made by the Town Attorney. Gary Gregory seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
2.      MacCurdy Salisbury state land is now officially a part of Nehantic State Forest.
3.      Mike Kiernan is the new president of the Old Lyme Land Trust,
4.      The new smoking policy has been put in place for the Town and applies to all town-owned land including open space and its trails.

E. Old Business
1.      Commission has received latest update on Planning's revisions to Town POCD. It does not appear that their general position has changed.
2.      Zoning has approved the surficial aquifer protection regulation update.
3.      Nothing new on revision to Open Space Plan.
4.      Amanda will look for easel (she found it) and will continue to place the bulletin board with maps to our and OLLT’s open spaces in various venues. She will call OLLT to see if they will take it for Midsummer Festival. We thank Essex Savings Bank and Coldwell Banker for allowing us to place it in their offices

F. Other Business

1.      Bruce: no new information on possible acquisitions?
2.      George: Wilderness Moms on Champlain North and ticks; Beaver flooding at Black Hall Pond; trees crossing trails; possible park
3.      Peter: Powerlines have a lot of new pavement. Recommends that Chairman contact CL&P regarding their activities. Invite them to our meeting.  Diana will contact man who was in charge of the work on Four Mile River Road property.  Concerns are spraying, different treatment of r.o.w.’s on fee owned vs. not; paving; environmental process

Diana Atwood Johnson, Chair